Decorating for Christmas
So I wanted to have a fireplace in our home, so I made one. It took me a couple of days to make, it is fun to have a place to hang our stockings.
Happy Halloween! We wanted to put Daveney in a pumpkin for her first Halloween. And the honest truth was she hated it, haha. poor thing. The pumpkin was cold but we were able to get her to calm down just long enough for a couple quick photos.
Sleeping Daveney
Most parents recommended that we swaddle our baby but Daveney wont have it. She loves her arms sprawled out and it is too cute.

Daveney Delight

She outgrew all of these newborn size outfits around three weeks.
The Lamp
My friend Stacey and I were working on pinterest projects together. Before we moved Stacey and I hit up the DI and bought old lamps. I just finished mine today! I might add a dash of ribbon or flower on the shade but for now here it is....before and after.
Grateful for the Sabbath Day
I just love the Sabbath day. Especially because Robert has made the commitment to not study on this day and that means more family time for us. It is a day of rest, what would we do without our 2-3 hour naps on Sunday? (however im assuming that they will be coming to an end once our beautiful Daveney is here) Im really glad that we have Sundays.
Labor Day in Nauvoo
All I can say is that we had a blast. When we first arrived to Nauvoo we met up with Phillip and Kirsten and the children. We watched a 20 minute video about the saints in Nauvoo at the visitors center. Then we headed over for a ox driven wagon ride...it was rainy but that didn't stop us.
The missionaries there taught us a lot about how the oxen get their title and how they were a lot better bargain than getting a horse in those days.
We roasted hot dogs and s'mores at a park. Troy was having a great time trying out all the lawn chairs.
While we waited for the coals to heat up everyone kicked the soccer ball around.
We were able to visit Carthage Jail and see where Joseph Smith and others stayed before they were martyred. Lydia, Dalton, and James we ready for the pictures. Dalton said he knew which statue was Joseph Smith by the way He was holding the Book of Mormon...pretty impressive ;)
This was the log cabin we stayed in. It was fantastic! We all agreed that it was much better than staying in a hotel. Plus, the kids got to sleep in bunk beds!
The temple is just as gorgeous inside as it is outside. Robert and I had the opportunity to do a session there. It was absolutely wonderful to be inside the holy temple and feel our Saviors love.
Walking around the temple was so nice, reminding us of the sacrifices of the saints and the importance of attending the temple. James wanted to join in on the family pic, how can you resist this boy?
We are so grateful for Phillip and Kirsten who invited us to join them on Labor Day weekend. We will definitely not forget the experiences and feelings we had there.
Daveney's Corner
This is Daveney's room. The decorations are all thanks to my cousin Ashley Henderson. She made them for the baby shower she had for me. I just cant wait till the little babe gets here! I plan on hanging canvases above the changing table sort of like this.
Car Seat Canopy
Can I just say that I really like the option that you can upload the pics you take on you cell phone to blogger! Here is the canopy I sewed a couple weeks ago, Im not too sure how completely necessary these canopies are but I had extra fabric and extra time. Of course I got the pattern from pinterest, here is the blog I got it from.
The Henry Doorly Zoo
The Zoo is not too far from our home. We bought an annual pass so that we could go there as we please. Its great for long walks, which I look forward to with Daveney. They have and indoor desert, feeding times and animal training times that you can observe, and an IMAX theater. Robert and I recently went to the "Jungle"where we saw hippos, monkeys, snakes, otters, and tons of other animals!
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