D absolutely loves blueberries, i gave her the spoon and she tried to feed herself. Hahaha she did pretty well, but we have lots of practice ahead of us.
Its Getting Hot and Humid
I wanted to see how D would react to a pool...I dont know why i was so surprised (happily) but she loved it more that i thought she would. I put my feet in and it was super cold I could hardly stand it. So i put D's feet in and it didnt even phase her, she actually sat down on the step, water almost to her chest, I was shocked. She loved it and started to splashing. Then she started going head first into the water (only for a second) and loved it. Im really excited to learn how to teach her how to swim this summer.
Oh the Internet
So I was powering up our laptop to add a new post and I was holding D and she started to pound on the keyboard and then the laptop couldnt connect to the internet. I worked on the laptop for 5 hours to try to fix it. we ended up going to our local Apple store and they fixed it! im so grateful.
So, since i havent posted in a while a few things have happened in our little world.
So, since i havent posted in a while a few things have happened in our little world.
R & D literally fell asleep like this it was too precious to not take a picture.
After a great time at the park she conked out in the Burley again.
So Busted! well it finally happened, she discovered the toilet and toilet paper. I couldnt get upset she is just too funny.
We went to Scheels to show D around. Yep thats a ferris wheel inside the store. There were lights all around it and D couldnt get enough of it. (We did not go for a ride)
She's not old enough yet but she had the wiggles so i took her to nursery on sunday. She had a great time. The big kids still need to learn how to share...mental note to self, teach my children how to share before nursery age...if possible.
This girl has always loved the vacuum, now she can crawl to it and check it out. Thanks for all your help around the house D.
As a family we went for a short walk, while we did so a family of geese popped out of the grass. So cute!
Cheerios, Swings, and Grass
All the resources say that D is old enough to start eating small foods like cheerios and other small, quick dissolving foods. I just dont think she is ready and I also think she has a small Mason throat like R and Uncle T. But I went against my mother instincts and tried it out. I would bite a cheerio in half an put it on her tray. It was fun watching her concentrate on picking it up, but surprisingly she didnt bring it to her mouth. So i poured a whole bunch of cherrios on her tray and she simply enjoyed pushing them around and onto the floor, never even thinking that they were something to eat. I was actually relieved and had a giggle watching her be funny. I will stick to my thoughts and just wait a little while longer till I give her food.
R and I took D with us on a walk to the park. R exercised on the jungle-gym while I pushed D on the swing. She absolutely loved it. Watching her face light up brings me so much joy.
Then we went to a large grass area and R kicked his soccer ball around. D was being so good that I went to kick the ball with him. D stayed on her blanket and reached for the grass, letting it slide through her fingers and palm. There is so much for her to learn and explore, it is a great time.
Getting Excited
Ok so im totally trunky for my sister to get home so what did i do? I made a countdown widget for my blog. totally ridiculous but seriously needed to calm my excitement.
Three Strikes You're Out
I gave myself the "bad mom award" yesterday. D only had one nap today, strike 1, because i stretched her to her limit so i could have a good time with friends (i got to hold a week old baby, super cute!!! so worth it, D was a good girl). Then she took a three hour nap um we totally slept together in my bed, those were a beautiful three hours I started to get dinner ready after that glorious sleep and let D play around the house, well....she was pounding on the dishwasher and the dishwasher door was open and came down on her and smacked her head pretty hard, strike 2. I stopped everything i was doing to comfort her. During dinner D was getting board, she sits in her highchair and watches us eat. So what did i do to keep her occupied?...i gave her my spoon...so dumb! As weird as this may sound she ended up scraping the roof of her mouth so bad that she bled for like 10 min. STRIKE 3 YOU'RE OUT! so as blood is running down her mouth and shirt i grabbed some frozen, cloth-like toys from the freezer to give to her. I have learned many things from this. 1: i am not a bad mom 2: we are both on a learning curve 3: i am ever more appreciative of my husband every day.
Catch up
There are just a few things I want to add before I get going on my "frequent posting." These are some fun things that have been going on in our little family.
My mothers day cake...Costco Tuxedo Moose...yeah Robert really wanted it and it just so happened to be on sale mothers day weekend.
D's new found playground: The laundry Room
When the weather permits we enjoy a good jog/rollerblade/bike ride with D.
One of Roberts ways of training for Mt. Whitney
yeah he runs faster than i can rollerblade....im 25 weeks pregnant what can i say :)
We planted these beauties in some food storage cans on mothers day. Our ward gave these to all the women in our ward.
D was sick for a week (stuffed up nose, couldnt breathe poor thing) Well she was so tired but couldnt get comfortable until she got in this position, yep she laid there for almost 2 hours... so worth my kincked neck.
Love this little one.
Did i mention that D can hold her own bottle....HEAVEN!
Summer outfit, she brightens my day always.
Pleasant Day
Today started out a little different than our normal saturday. I failed at making hash browns but Robert graciously ate most of them. Then we had Correlation meeting in our home. It was nice to see the missionaries and Bishop and other friends. Daveney is getting really good at playing by herself. If fed and changed, I can set her in her room (where all her toys are) and she will pick things to play with or chew on. I love just sitting there watching her. sometimes she will even crawl up to me and want to sit in my lap while she plays with something until she finds something farther across the room that is more interesting than sitting on my lap, but eventually she comes back and does it all over again. I really love it. I think its one of her ways of showing me that she loves me and likes to play with me. Her new discovery is the window seal. She pulls herself up and hits the mantel and sucks on the edge of it....yeah i had to run and get some cleaner because it was super dusty...gross! As you can see the window goes kind of low so thats why she can pull herself up to it so easily.

The Highlight of today was when we got back home from a nice family walk this morning we set D in her room to play with her toys. When we set her down she looked so tired. We got a drink of water and she was so quiet. We went to check on her and this is what we found.
This is D by her window
An other place she loves to pull herself up...the bookshelf and...
the Futon! yep she is everywhere and faster than I ever thought.
The Highlight of today was when we got back home from a nice family walk this morning we set D in her room to play with her toys. When we set her down she looked so tired. We got a drink of water and she was so quiet. We went to check on her and this is what we found.
You got it. Deep asleep. jajaja (thats hahaha in spanish)
More Posts
I have be inspired by a friend of mine. Just after reading through her blog I have a great desire to post more often the small things that happen in our daily life...not just the "big things." I need to make this a goal and stick with it...starting NOW.
Stroll in the Frisbee Golf Park

Ok so I went a little overboard with taking pics. But I just couldnt get enough of her perfect cheeks. We were following Robert and some of his friends around a Frisbee golf course. I decided to let Daveney out to crawl around and feel the grass for the first time (yes the weather has been that bad that she has not felt the grass till now). However when I went to get her out, she was asleep! So i laid down and enjoyed the breeze and my peaceful sleeping babe. I noticed there was a rainbow after I took the pic of the tree. I just had to smile. What a great day!
These are the most recent pics we have of Daveney pulling/climbing up to standing position. At first she climbed up the table chairs, then the sofa, now up our legs and the walls. The newest trick is now in the crib. We even lowered the mattress.
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