If you were to ask me if i am a "reader" or if i like to read, my honest answer would have to be no. In fact when i was a little girl i hated...loathed reading. I would fight against reading a novel for school in any way i could. it would torture me to even look up summaries online or get those shortened versions of the novel i was reading (cliff notes) that pointed out the important parts, it was painful. Anyway, I have not read very many books, ill admit. I have had phases where i get determined to read a book and i usually get half way through and never finish. So today is a big deal because it is the start of my new journey in reading books. My goal is to enjoy reading and I hope to read many books.
I dont know why i chose this book but it just worked out. The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura.
R and I are doing great in our marriage! So dont get the wrong impression. I am grateful for the examples and advice given in this book. I learned a lot. And I recommend this book to anyone about to be married, married, divorced etc. While reading this book i would share with R what i had read and ask him if he felt some of the things i was reading were true. R once said that "Dr. Laura has tapped into a mans mind." Pretty awesome. I feel that after reading this book I will be a better wife and mother. My next book is "Falling to Heaven" by James Ferrell.