Yes, we did see a moose! and he was BIG. We ended up seeing him two days in a row. The view at times was so breath taking and peaceful that we often wanted to stop and take it all in, but we were racing against a storm to get to the top. It took us a while to get there, we were fatigued and tired, but determined to see the view. We reached a point where there was no longer a trail so we climbed up to the very top...a sea of boulders...jumping from one to the next. Greg and Robert were the first to the top, I was just behind them, and from where I was I couldn't see Ryan or Kami but i knew they were not far. The clouds were getting thick and dark, the wind was picking up slightly. Robert was coming back down to check on me, Ryan and Kami. I told him I would still work my way up. He went to look for Ryan and Kami to help them the rest of the way. When I reached the top Greg was gazing into the distance while enjoying an apple. I was eager to join him and sit down to watch the storm around us. As we were watching the storm the lightning was never ending. I saw one that was so big I got excited and stretched my hand out to point at where it was to show Greg..."did you see that?!" I quickly noticed as strange crackling, sparking, popping noise on my ring finger, i pulled it in quickly. Out of curiosity I stuck my hand back out, again it made that noise..I said to Greg "can you hear this?" once more my ring made those noises. Greg's facial expression made me worry a little..then he said "woah there is a lot of static electricity up here" as he was looking at his arm hair standing straight up, just seconds after he said that Roberts head popped up out of the sea of boulders and he urged us to get down from the mountain top fast! Unfortunately we were unable to get pictures from the top. We made our way back to our camp site, to our much dismay it seemed a much longer hike back in than it did on our way out....we calculated the miles for that day....20! We were exhausted! but very grateful to be back at camp, especially since it started pouring rain right as we got into our tents. The next morning as we hiked back to the trailhead, Robert told me he already missed the mountains and didn't want to go home (staring longingly at the peak we had summited only the day before)....Thats my mountain man! :) We had a safe and wonderful trip.

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