
Diving into the Dishwasher

So that last two cycles of washing our dishes in the dishwasher ive noticed that my dishes were not that clean. And i have little tolerance for "broken" appliances. I need them to work at all times. This may be because as a homemaker I feel that the tasks I perform must get done and get done well. I don't need my family to get sick because my dishes cant be properly washed even in a dishwasher. So I took it upon myself to clean our dishwasher. 

I went onto pinterest and looked on my "cleaning craze" board and found my dishwasher cleaning pin. I did the first three steps and wow did I find some crazy and nasty things in my dishwasher. When I did step 2 I found a ton of that paper that is wrapped around sticks of butter (super weird) and huge pieces of broken glass, a ton of hair and just icky, black, gross caked stuff in all the crevices. I went at it with a toothpick over the trash can first and then with a toothbrush after being soaked in hot water and vinegar. 

Once I completed all three steps I put everything back together (it was very very easy by the way) and thought it would be wise to run the dishwasher once with soap and vinegar without any dishes. My dishwasher sounded more quiet and I could tell that water was actually being sprayed around in there. So the test will be tonight to see how our dishes turn out in our newly cleaned dishwasher. 


  1. Good for you! I'm curious to know how your dishes turn out!

  2. me, too! I'm going to have to look up that pin--the dishwasher in our last place was so bad that we ended up doing them all by hand for the last three weeks before we moved here! Now I have an oven I hate...there's gotta be a pin for that somewhere!


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