
20 Pounds of Chicken

I know we are always looking for ways to save a dollar. well... my friend found this website that will tell you what deals are headed to your home town. The company is called ZAYCON FOODS. This particular time it was chicken breasts. Or awesome deal was 1.79/lb!! Wahoo! Four of us went on it, each ordering 20lbs. We didnt' really know what to expect, not only was it hard to visualize 20lbs of raw chicken, but 80lbs seemed a little much. Well it was a very successful day. We went to a little feed farm and looked a baby chicks. Then we drove over to a church where the chicken was located. We found a semi truck in the parking lot with men standing around the back of it. We drove up to them. They loaded two boxes (40lbs ea) in our car and off we went. We were then wondering how we were ever going to accurately divide the 40lbs in half. Not to worry. In the box were two bags of 20lb of chicken each!! SCORE. So I went home and started to cut the fat off and cut some of the chicken breasts in half. Im just so glad that I remembered that I had kitchen sheers. It made the cutting process go really fast so I wasnt sawing at chicken for hours. It actually took me less than 30 minutes to cut, wash off, ziplock bag them and put in the freezer.

Next time I think I will actually buy 40lbs. 20lbs just didnt seem like the huge amount I visualized. Maybe Ill learn how to can chicken and get even an extra 40lbs to can for food storage. Yep 80lbs all to ourselves....someday. (yep that is all fat on the cutting board)

Project: Cereal Boxes

The organizer trays are expensive at target, even walmart, well, just more than i would like to pay for them. So I saved some boxes and cut their bottoms and used those as trays. Now some of my drawers are nice and organized. Hurray!

(i dont know how to rotate this pic in blogger)

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